About Transformational Breath®
Transformational Breath® is a gentle, simple technique that helps people to open up the full potential of their breathing system for better physical and emotional well-being.
It teaches a pattern of conscious, connected breathing that is natural, safe and healthy and utilises a high vibrational energy whilst incorporating a combination of hands-on acupressure touch, sound, movement, and affirmations to create a powerful transformative experience.
By connecting your breath, you can work on three levels, namely Physical, Mental / Emotional and Spiritual.
The three levels of transformational breath® allow you to breathe better, have more energy, feel more peaceful and loving and ultimately expand your awareness and creates space to explore your true gifts and potential.
You will experience a growing freedom and expansion in your life, often after just one breath session. Repeated practice and work with a facilitator opens up your life in profound and lasting ways.
The Impact of
Transformational Breath®
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Increase energy and physical performance
Improve sleep and overall physical health
Relieve tension and increase relaxation
Balance flow of energy throughout the body
Strengthen immune system
Aid in natural release of toxins
Decrease worry, stress and anxiety
Integrate past traumas
Reduce patterns of self-sabotage
Improve self-esteem
Develop healthy emotional/mental balance
Greater clarity of mind
Increase intuitive capabilities and understanding
Feel more present in life
Increase creativity
Open more fully to your own gifts and purpose
Deepen meditative states
Connect with self, others and Spirit
To learn even more about this amazing technique, explore:
In September 2014, Transformational Breath® won an award for being the best complimentary therapy by The Institute of Complementary Medicine.
In 2007, the NCC and the Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM) merged to form the Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine (ICNM). The ICM was founded as a charity in 1982 and established the British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP) in 1989.
The BRCP is one of the longest-running, multi-disciplinary registers of CAM professional practitioners in the UK. It promotes quality, best practice, raising educational standards and integrated medicine.